Ma Lighting launches grandMA2 software version 3.2
MA lighting has released their latest version grandMA2 software version 3.2 that offers significant
developments across many areas of the console, resulting in faster and more flexible programming. The brand
new Bitmap Fixture Engine is a radical new concept, allowing users to patch virtual fixtures comprising of a
layout of real fixtures. Content and media server style effects can be applied across any parameter of these
virtual Bitmap Fixtures. Standard Effects Engine features and playback priorities work in harmony with the
results and offer un-paralleled creativity.
RDM bi-directional communication is now supported in version 3.2 when using MA DMX output hardware directly
connected to fixtures. This allows configuration, status and monitoring of RDM compliant devices, with RDM
information now being available throughout the console.
Now the grandMA2 console web-remote includes a full range of remote access possibilities like playback view,
executor sheet and preset pool view with accessible and fade; delay and output layers that are included for
all sheets. Network nodes can now also be accessed via web-remote allowing full remote configuration.
Additionally, the MA Network Switch can now be managed from within the grandMA2 Setup/Network window.
Internal time code generators have been added to populate the multiple network-wide time code slots and
The MA VPU (Video Processing Unit) has received some important new functionality. MA VPU is now a 64bit
application which supports the Hap-Codec enabling use of content exceeding HD resolution and alpha channel