AHUJA announces launch of new high performance dual 12” line array speaker system
AHUJA has announced the launch of a high performance dual 12” line array speaker system ALX-11000.
Each module comprises of two powerful low-frequency drivers and a high quality high frequency
driver to deliver natural, intelligible and clear sound in a variety of music & speech
applications. With power rating of 1000W (RMS) and impedance of 8 ohms, ALX-11000 delivers the
required power for stage / live events while keeping the cost of operation minimal.
ALX-11000 has been designed in-house by AHUJA’s R & D engineers to provide controlled & coherent
coverage pattern with excellent high frequency response. It offers 1200 horizontal coverage and
100 vertical coverage with various splay angle options – 00, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60, 70 and 80.
In addition to two powerful woofers, each module comprises of a powerful 1.5” exit high-frequency
driver with a waveguide horn for constant curvature line array system. And to top it all ALX-11000
boasts of strong, well braced & resonance free speaker cabinet in durable paint finish and heavy
duty steel grille with acoustically transparent foam to protect speakers from various adverse
working conditions.
Simple rigging arrangement ensures quick & secure installation. A sturdy and rugged flybar frame
AHUJA model ALF-11 is available for rigging the line array cabinets.
ALX-11000 is a perfect blend of legendary AHUJA reliability at most affordable price and
ultra-modern aesthetics making it an obvious choice for a wide variety of applications
including fixed Installations, Rental, Djs and Live Sound Reinforcement.