CODA Audio Appoints New Distributors in India
CODA Audio has appointed A One Global Entertainment company as its distributors in India. The Chandigarh-based company has been a leading AV supplier, installer and major brand dealer since 1980, with an established and trusted reputation for technical excellence in this exciting and ever-growing market. During a visit to Musikmesse Frankfurt last year, A One’s attention was initially caught by the compact size and reduced weight of CODA systems. Further conversations led to A One visiting CODA HQ in Hanover and experiencing for themselves the power and quality of CODA systems at work.
Nitin Thakur, Managing Director at A One, says, “When we visited Hannover, we were amazed by the potential and capabilities of CODA Audio systems. Listening was a treat for the ears and we were immediately sold on the idea of a future partnership with CODA. Learning about the technology incorporated in the systems was a real eye-opener and the performance just blew us away. What also came across very strongly was the sense that the people behind CODA are totally committed to their vision, with an ethos of always striving to improve. There’s no doubt that the versatility of CODA systems make them effective for any number of applications. For installers and rental companies alike, I really am convinced that these systems are the future of the industry.”
Paul Ward, Director of Global Business Development at CODA Audio commented: “A One is a highly reputable, extremely well-run operation with a thorough knowledge and understanding of the Indian market. The A One team was quick to see the advantages that CODA systems can bring to customers right across the sector and we’re certain that they will prove to be a pro-active and highly effective distribution partner. We’re looking forward to working closely with them in what is a large, growing and fantastically diverse marketplace.”