GLP’s GT-1 awarded as Best New Lighting Fixture
GLP has celebrated its third major product award since June, with rAVe Publications naming the new GLP
GT-1 as the Best New Lighting Fixture on show at this year’s massive InfoComm AV integration show in
Las Vegas.
This astonishing award comes right on the back of the twin success of the X4 Bar 20 batten, which has
now been awarded by major media and trade associations on either side of the Atlantic.
rAVe Publications on their website said, “It’s tough to pick out the best and the brightest from the
thousands of products and hundreds of exhibitors introduced on the show floor. After much
consideration, our entire team picked what we thought were the best things on the show floor.”
And this included GLP’s GT-1, picking up its first award. This fully-featured hybrid fixture,
featuring GLP’s trademark baseless design, can function as a high level Spot, Beam and Wash
Using a high powered 470 Watt discharge lamp, its high quality optical system produces a light beam
that features an enormous 22:1 ratio zoom range from 2.5° to 55°. Inbuilt wireless DMX control, full
16-bit pan and tilt movement, full range dimming and shuttering capability and weight of just 25kg,
are further features of this versatile fixture.
GLP-GT-1-Infocomm3Stated GLP Inc. president, Mark Ravenhill, “rAVe Publications are a dominant and
influential force at InfoComm and we are delighted they have recognized the unique properties of
the GT-1.
“This was their first showing in the US, on a booth which was programmed by our own Brian McNutt; it
is the first of what I am certain will be many awards for this innovative product.”