City Theatrical DMXcat Boosts Efficiency with New Multi Fixture Feature
DMXcat Multi Fixture Feature
City Theatrical’s DMXcat Multi-Function Test Tool now provides expanded functionality with the new Multi Fixture (DMX) feature, which offers lighting professionals an efficient way to turn on and test multiple DMX lighting fixtures simultaneously.
DMXcat’s new Multi Fixture feature includes a patch that can be implemented to group and control lighting fixtures together to save time and improve workflows. This patch also allows users to assign numbers to channels or fixtures, which can be useful in creating a consistent and simplified numbering system between creative and technical teams of a given production or installation project. DMXcat users can use the patch to save, name, and re-load setups across various rigs, for use on future projects.
Other DMXcat improvements with the Multi Fixture feature include a new interface for the Fixture Controller app, which offers patching and grouping methods like many show consoles being used in professional lighting, for ease of use and consistency among test and control gear. The Fixture Controller app also now includes 16-bit wheels, which save the user screen space and refine the user’s control.
DMXcat Multi Fixture Feature Setup
This feature allows users to name their DMXcats, making it simpler for teams using multiple DMXcats to differentiate between various team members’ devices.
All of these new features are free to DMXcat users, who need only to accept the app, update to get them.
The DMXcat Multi-Function Test Tool, which includes a hardware dongle and smartphone application, allows anyone can turn on any DMX device, whether it is a simple LED PAR or a complex moving light, using only their smartphone and a pocket-sized hardware dongle. DMXcat solves the problem faced by all users of modern lighting equipment: How to turn on and test DMX lighting gear without using a complicated lighting console.