SE Electronics and Rupert Neve Designs Unveils Flagship Multi-Pattern Tube Condenser
The RNT is a premium large-diaphragm multi-pattern tube condenser microphone created in collaboration between sE
Electronics & Rupert Neve Designs, founded by the legendary audio designer Mr. Rupert Neve. “Much like the RNR1
Active Ribbon and RN17 Small-Diaphragm Condenser, the RNT is something truly special, developed over several years
of careful listening and measurement by Mr. Rupert Neve, Mr. Siwei Zou, and the engineering teams from both
“The partnership between sE Electronics and Rupert Neve Designs is an extension of the great friendship between the
two founders. This elegantly different tube microphone design was one of the first concepts they originally discussed
long ago - and after many years in development, we are exceptionally proud to see it brought to life.”
This new flagship tube microphone features the finest handcrafted capsule sE has ever developed - nine switchable polar
patterns, two custom Rupert Neve Designs output transformers, an ECC82 tube gain stage in the microphone, and a second
gain stage in the floor box using the same high-performance op-amps as those found in Rupert Neve Designs’ flagship
5088 console.
It also features fully discrete class-A electronics throughout, three switchable gain levels, and two switchable low-cut
filters. The RNT ships standard with a high-end custom shock mount, a wooden microphone box, and a robust flight