Antelope Audio Announces Breakthrough Bundle comprising Discrete Dual Ultra-Linear Microphone Preamp
Antelope Audio’s professional audio equipment manufacturer has announced its new EDGE Strip — a breakthrough bundle
comprising its DISCRETE MP Discrete Dual Ultra-Linear Microphone Preamp.
The EDGE Strip places the same transistor schematic that beats at the state-of-the-art heart of the aptly-named
DISCRETE 8 Thunderbolt & USB Interface with 8 Discrete Mic Preamps and DISCRETE 4 Thunderbolt & USB Interface with
4 Discrete Mic Preamps series siblings.
Furthermore, the EDGE Strip bundle comes complete with a package of microphone emulations, bringing field-tested
microphone classics destined to make musical inroads into studio setups the world over. Developed in close
collaboration with world-renowned experts, these must-have microphone emulations are available in native formats,
facilitating lightning-fast workflow. Preamp emulations are also included in the package, together with the
STAY-LEVIN compressor, personally designed by Igor Levin at Antelope Audio.
Antelope Audio has always collectively prided itself in coming up with technologies that unite the digital and
analogue audio worlds. While both DISCRETE MP and EDGE are all-analogue devices, making them fully compatible
with any audio interface and A/D converter central to any studio setup anywhere, DISCRETE MP allows users to explore
the full potential of EDGE in both Antelope Audio-centred setups or other audio systems.