Audio & Music Professionals Society of India Announced at IRAA 2020
Eminent Sound Engineer Pramod Chandorkar, who is also the Honorary Chairman of the IRAA Awards announced on 11 October at the IRAA Virtual Event platform, the formation of an Independent National Association for all Audio and Music professionals. This will be called as “Audio & Music Professionals Society Of India” (AMPS India). The association’s Managing Core Committee will comprise of Eminent Audio And Music Professionals representing all generations .
The Association will bring together and represent Audio Engineers & Music producers, pan India. The association aims to be an umbrella association for the unrepresented Audio & Music Professionals. Now, with the rapid rise of music, film and OTT, we have a large group of freelance professionals from the audio and music business that are left unorganized and so unrecognized. The purpose of the Society is to form a community to collectively address their issues and create a disciplined structure that can also evolve over time.
“We all have been facing real tough times currently, and this is the time when we realised that we have to get organised . Unless we are together, we cannot face tough times and unless we come under one umbrella of an association, our voice won’t be heard. It’s time that we all come together and stand tall as a community, so that we can face the future challenges head on,” said Pramod Chandorkar. “The details of this association and its membership will be soon made available to all of you.”