Current Issue : Jan-Feb 2025




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Articles January-February 2025

TOP 50 Products in Global Pro Audio and Lighting New!

The year 2024 has seen a surge of groundbreaking innovations in pro audio and lighting. The PALM Expo Magazine Team presents the Top 50 Products of 2024, in no particular order, highlighting standout technologies across rental, install, studio, PA sound, and professional lighting in the Indian subcontinent. read more

Illuminating the Magnetic Fields Festival New!

The 10th anniversary of the Magnetic Fields Festival in Rajasthan showcased an immersive lighting design powered by Martin Lighting. read more

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11 Questions with Kalle Hvidt Nielsen - CEO, DPA Microphones

Kalle Hvidt Nielsen - CEO, DPA Microphones

Kalle Hvidt Nielsen, CEO at DPA Microphones since September 2016 gained extensive knowledge of developing cutting-edge technologies in audio, in his previous positions as CEO at Bang & Olufsen A/S and Brüel & Kjær Sound & Vibration Measurement A/S. Here, he fields 11 questions on acquired legacies from these companies, milestones in DPA history, DPA’s relentless focus on innovation, business transformation and overall IP creation, the Indian pro-audio market and more.

1. DPA has been producing microphones for live sound, recording studio, film and broadcast and the company is especially known for miniaturization. Can you tell us a bit about this technology, what makes it unique, and which specific market segments is DPA targeting with the miniature mics?

DPA Microphones is a spinoff from the world’s largest sound measurement company, Brüel & Kjær, so our legacy is built upon extremely precise recording mics (pencil mics). In 2005, we merged with a sub supplier from the hearing aid industry. This cooperation gave us the necessary technology to shrink the form factor of our high-quality pencil mics while keeping the audio quality. The introduction of miniature mics that performs like high-end studio mics revolutionized the use of microphones in broadcast, film, theater, live and houses of worship.

2. What is your global standing in the professional microphone industry?

Microphones are a very small part of the cost of the full audio system - typically about 1% - yet it is critical for the performance and output of the entire system. More and more audio engineers understand that the most economical way of improving the sound system is to use the best mics possible. This way, the first part of the audio chain is reproduced clearly and in the highest possible quality. This drives our strong growth; we’re the supplier of the best performing microphones in the market used by top professionals.

3. What is the technology that makes DPA’s CORE 6066 Subminiature Headset Microphone an award-winning product? If you have to name one single component most responsible for vocal clarity in the mic what would it be?

The essential part of a DPA mic is the mic capsule, which captures tiny sound vibrations in the air and converts them into electric signals. For subminiature microphones like the 6066, these signals are extremely weak. This is why we have designed a unique amplifier technology called CORE by DPA technology that is inside the 6066 and many of our other miniature mics. This combination - the capsule and the amplifier - is what delivers the clear and undistorted sound coming from a 6066.

In addition to vocal clarity, the 6066 was developed to meet professional users’ greatest needs. Prior to the design phase, DPA talked to professional users in the theatre and broadcast industries to learn about their requirements. The entire design of the 6066 was based on the feedback collected and the understanding of the users’ pains, needs and wishes. Some key mechanical features of the 6066 are its unique 3-point gripping system, which softly yet firmly grips above, below and behind the ear for increased security as well as the novel boom attachment that lets users easily adjust and lock its placement without bending the boom.

4. How does DPA aim to change the live performance landscape with the 2028 Vocal Mic?

DPA’s d:facto™ Vocal Mic has been around for some years and is used by top artists like Paul McCartney, Sting, Celine Dion and many others. The new 2028 Vocal Mic has many of the same qualities as the d:facto™ but at a more attainable price. With the 2028, we hope to enable more artists to have the same top-class sound experience.

5. Which product is DPA currently pushing most aggressively in the pro-audio market globally?

Actually, DPA does not push its products.

We believe that we have the best microphone solutions for most needs in the pro-audio market including live, house of worship, studio, broadcast, film and theater. Many audio professionals choose DPA microphones because they know our solutions are the best to meet their needs.

In addition, DPA puts a lot of effort into training and education. We believe that as sound engineers around the world learn more and more about how great audio is created; they will come to appreciate the amazing qualities of DPA microphone solutions even more. To help educate people, we have created a wide range of written and video content on subjects ranging from basic audio education to how to mic specific instruments. DPA’s Microphone  University, available on our website, is where we post this educational content.

6. What according to you are the three main milestones in terms of product development in the history of DPA?

1: The first pencil mics made based on the extremely accurate measuring mics from Brüel & Kjær brought the quality of pro audio mics to a completely new level.

2: The first miniature microphones introduced in 1998 that captured studio-like sound and could be worn on the body really made an indelible impact on the theatre world specifically and the entertainment industry in general.

3: The introduction of the miniature 4099 Instrument Mic combined studio-quality sound into a small form factor that led artist to close mic their instruments and enjoy more freedom to move around on stage.

Recent DPA history has given us another milestone:

4: The introduction of CORE by DPA technology that, while still new, has the possibility of taking the pro audio industry to new levels by eliminating distortion and enlarging the dynamic range of miniature mics, which is a massive benefit for all types of use.

7. Tell us a little about DPA’s production facility and the R&D process at DPA. How heavily is DPA invested into R&D and is there any other innovation that the market can expect to see from the company in the near future?

It requires extreme precision to manufacture a DPA microphone. Our miniature mics go through up to 200 production steps of which 90% are made under a microscope! The mics are tested 8-10 times before they even leave the factory. Creating consistent, accurate and durable mics in our factory requires special skills from the staff and a lot of training.

During the last three years, DPA has increased its investment in R&D and technology by a factor of three. We have introduced breakthroughs like CORE by DPA technology as well as designed amazing 3mm mics like the 6066 Subminiature Headset Mic. We will continue in this manner and further accelerate our R&D. We have a strong pipeline of innovations for the coming years.

8. As your growth would depend on more sales in developing countries like India, do you have a special strategy to increase your market share?

With India’s size and strong economic growth it will become an increasingly important market for DPA. We have a strong partner in Ansata Computer Systems locally in India, to help us get in front of Indian customers. We make frequent visits and training sessions locally to ensure we provide high-quality support and service to the customers.

9. What are the company’s short and long-term goals for the Indian market?

Our ambition is to have more people, in India as well as around the world, experience exceptional sound. We share best practices and continue to educate sound engineers in the latest knowledge and techniques for capturing sound. We are convinced that this will lead to higher use of top-quality mics like DPA microphones.

10. Can you tell us a little about The DPA Masters Club? How can the audio community in India avail of this opportunity and/or benefit from this?

The DPA Masters Club is a community of highly skilled, working sound engineers, who use DPA Microphones’ solutions in their daily work. These talented enthusiasts are willing to share their passion for DPA microphones with their colleagues and peers in the audio business. This is a major benefit for all the parties involved, including our customers in India, who can benefit from local sound engineers and their specific knowledge of DPA products as well as working with them in familiar environments.

11. What is your vision for DPA as a company for the next 5 years?

DPA will continue to be the most innovative supplier of state-of-the-art microphone technology and solutions for high-end audio professionals. We have the deepest knowledge in the industry, which we openly share and we are the natural go-to partner for any audio professional.

We want more people to experience exceptional sound.

Current Issue :Jan-Feb 2025




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